Ill-iteracy Surfs It Up @ The Shore!

Congratulations to Ill-iteracy’s @chrisprythm @illspitwell & @speekeazy for their single “Hype Yaself” being featured in @MTV‘s @JerseyShore: Family Vacation!

Ill-iteracy Description: Fresh Hip-Hop / Eclectic & Lyrical. Content/Substance over Dynamic/Unique Beats with a splash of feeling “Alive”.. A breathe of fresh air!

PUSH.roses 🌹

Keeping the good vibes coming, our latest release PUSH.roses is a wonderful collection of intimate declarations for those special someones in our lives. No relationship is without some level of turmoil though, so tracks like Come Knockin’ tap into a wider perspective. While selections like Kinda Love just feel like a seaside excursion on a beautiful, breezy day. PUSH.roses is a collective that embodies transition as well as tradition, with the concepts of all good things coming to an end & the timelessness of longing for forever, both captured. Dedicated to sensuality in its many forms, this assembly of thoughtful music provides for the admiration of life’s most beautiful moments; just be sure to watch for the thorns. Please enjoy, PUSH.roses.

Listen On Spotify

Follow: PUSH.collectives

Special Thanks to

Chris Prythm

Kali J

Will Spitwell

Sean Auguste


Speek Eazy



J. Levant

Jason Ray

Johnny Thomas Jr.

LosLauren 718

Asiah Dio



Jimmy’s Basement

Derek Sallman

Jimmy Connors

Rebekah Maxwell

Romar Bennett

Brittany Clarke

Sarah Bonsignore

Antonia Marquee

& the entire family!


I.AM.EM & Team #PUSH Double Head It Up @ Viceland’s Democratic Panel!

Congratulations to @jadewonder24 @chrisprythm
@speekeazy @aprilkellymusic, Aria & @amina_dudley with QUEEN & BOSS being featured in @Viceland‘s Brown & Black Democratic Presidential Forum!

More: PUSH.paradise 🌴