A lot of things meet the insinuation that they aren’t “checkers but chess”, with the conclusion drawn that there are levels & complex strategies to be understood or utilized.
Checkmate takes into account that longstanding concept with a barrage of selections ranging from intricate wit, to hard-nosed, straight-shooting street savvy. Familiar contributors & several newcomers to the
PUSH. arena round out this 21 track super pack. Concepts of the project focus on conquering rugged landscapes in pursuit of success; from inception, to tribulations & obstacles. From feelings of being on the verge, to experiencing setbacks & loss but refusing to surrender to circumstances.
Melodic themes lighten the urban-centric layout & provide imperative flourishes to what comes together as an overall darker compilation of music. These stories are genuine & often the reality is grim. Despite this, the players on the board displayed here have skillfully maneuvered their way into position to take down tyranny at the head. This is Melodic themes lighten the urban-centric layout & provide imperative flourishes to what comes together as an overall darker compilation of music. These stories are genuine & often the reality is grim. Despite this, the players on the board displayed here have skillfully maneuvered their way into position to take down tyranny at the head. This is
Checkmate ♚.
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Follow: PUSH.collectives
Special Thanks to
Chris Prythm
Will Spitwell
Speek Eazy
Young Observe
LosLauren 718
Maine Productionz
Hit Material
BurnerFam Productions
Paradise Breeze
Ami Miller
Jay Triiiple
Holla Da Scholar
Olivier Bibeau
Will Boy
T’Bari Lee
& the entire PUSH.audio family!
–Checkmate ♚–
Checkmate ♚ May 17th, 2022PUSHAudio